32 Bible Verses About Evil People (With Commentary)

In the Bible, evil is often contrasted with the goodness of God. The scriptures repeatedly highlight the behavior and fate of evil people while encouraging believers to cling to righteousness. The following passages reflect on how evil individuals operate and God’s response to them. These verses serve as both warnings and teachings for the faithful, urging them to avoid wickedness and stay aligned with God’s will.

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Bible Verses About Evil People

Proverbs 6:12-14

“A worthless person, a wicked man, is one who walks with a perverse (corrupt, vulgar) mouth. Who winks with his eyes, who shuffles his feet, who points with his fingers [to give subversive instruction]; who perversely in his heart plots trouble and evil continually; who spreads discord and strife.”

Commentary: This verse describes the subtle yet destructive behaviors of wicked individuals. It shows how evil people often use deception, body language, and manipulation to cause harm. By pointing out these traits, the Bible encourages believers to recognize and avoid such persons, who disrupt harmony and promote division among communities.

Psalm 37:1-2

“Do not worry because of evildoers, nor be envious toward wrongdoers; for they will wither quickly like the grass, and fade like the green herb.”

Commentary: This passage reminds believers not to be anxious or jealous of those who engage in evil. Despite their temporary success, their end is destruction. The verse emphasizes the fleeting nature of the prosperity of the wicked and encourages trust in God’s justice.

Proverbs 24:19-20

“Do not get upset because of evildoers, or be envious of the wicked, for there will be no future for the evil man; the lamp of the wicked will be put out.”

Commentary: This verse stresses the futility of wickedness. It reminds us that those who follow the path of evil have no enduring future, as their actions lead to their own demise. God’s judgment is certain, and their influence will ultimately be extinguished.

Psalm 34:21

“Evil will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.”

Commentary: Here, we see the self-destructive nature of evil. The wicked’s own maliciousness will be their downfall. Those who oppose the righteous align themselves against God and face condemnation. The verse offers hope to the righteous by confirming that evil will not prevail.

Romans 12:19

“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God’s wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in Scripture], ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

Commentary: This verse encourages believers to resist the temptation to seek revenge. Instead, they should trust in God’s perfect judgment. God sees all, and He will repay evil in His own time and way, ensuring that justice is done according to His righteousness.

Proverbs 4:14-15

“Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not go the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.”

Commentary: This proverb serves as a clear instruction to avoid evil at all costs. It warns against even approaching the path of the wicked, advising complete separation from those who practice iniquity. Such a course ensures that we do not fall into temptation or suffer the consequences of sin.

1 Corinthians 15:33

“Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.'”

Commentary: This passage emphasizes the importance of choosing good influences in our lives. Evil companions can corrupt even those with good intentions. The verse warns believers to be mindful of their associations, as the company we keep can either strengthen or weaken our commitment to righteousness.

Psalm 5:4-6

“For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; no evil person dwells with You. The boastful and the arrogant will not stand in Your sight; You hate all who do evil. You destroy those who tell lies; the Lord detests the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.”

Commentary: These verses reflect God’s nature as holy and just. Evil has no place in God’s presence, and He actively opposes those who engage in wickedness. God’s hatred for deceit, violence, and arrogance reflects His love for truth, justice, and humility.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

“But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of [outward] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power; avoid such people [and keep far away from them].”

Commentary: In this passage, Paul warns Timothy about the characteristics of people in the last days. These evil traits—such as arrogance, selfishness, and hatred of good—are rampant in those who reject God. Believers are urged to avoid such people to preserve their faith and integrity.

Proverbs 16:29

“A violent man entices his neighbor, and leads him in a way that is not good.”

Commentary: This proverb highlights the influence of evil people who lead others astray. A violent or wicked person may manipulate those around them to join them in wrongdoing. This verse serves as a warning to be cautious of those who promote harm or sinful actions.

1 Peter 3:12

“For the eyes of the Lord are [looking favorably] upon the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their prayer [eager to answer]; but the face of the Lord is against those who practice evil.”

Commentary: God is attentive to the prayers of the righteous and supports them, but He turns His face away from evildoers. This verse assures believers of God’s protection and blessing while serving as a warning to those who persist in evil. It encourages righteousness as the path to divine favor.

Isaiah 48:22

“There is no peace for the wicked,” says the Lord.”

Commentary: This brief yet profound statement reveals that evil leads to inner turmoil and destruction. Those who walk in wickedness will never find lasting peace because they are separated from God’s righteousness. It contrasts sharply with the peace that God offers to those who follow His ways.

Proverbs 10:16

“The wages of the righteous [the upright, those in right standing with God] is [a worthwhile, meaningful] life, the income of the wicked, punishment.”

Commentary: This proverb emphasizes the outcomes of righteousness versus wickedness. The righteous are rewarded with life—both in quality and duration—while the wicked earn punishment for their evil deeds. It encourages the pursuit of a godly life as the only path to true fulfillment.

Ecclesiastes 8:11

“Because the sentence against an evil act is not executed quickly, the hearts of the sons of men are fully set to do evil.”

Commentary: This verse speaks to human nature’s tendency to continue in sin when immediate consequences are not apparent. Delayed justice often emboldens people to persist in wickedness, yet it does not imply that judgment won’t come. God’s timing is perfect, and justice will ultimately be served.

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Proverbs 28:5

“Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully.”

Commentary: Wicked individuals lack a true sense of justice because they are blinded by their selfishness and sin. In contrast, those who seek God gain wisdom and understanding. The pursuit of God leads to insight into His just and righteous ways.

Micah 2:1

“Woe to those who devise wickedness and plot evil on their beds! When the morning comes, they carry out their plans because it is in their power to do so.”

Commentary: This verse highlights the premeditated nature of evil deeds. It condemns those who not only commit wicked acts but also take pleasure in planning them. It reflects God’s deep displeasure with those who use their power for harm rather than good.

Proverbs 29:27

“An unjust man is repulsive to the righteous, and he who is upright in the way [of the Lord] is repulsive to the wicked.”

Commentary: This verse speaks to the natural opposition between good and evil. The righteous find the ways of the wicked abhorrent, and likewise, the wicked despise those who walk in righteousness. This highlights the moral divide between these two groups, reinforcing the importance of choosing the path of godliness.

Psalm 37:9

“For evildoers will be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land.”

Commentary: This verse contrasts the fate of evildoers with that of the faithful. The wicked will ultimately be removed, while those who trust in God and wait on His timing will inherit His blessings. It is a promise of reward for patience and righteousness.

Proverbs 10:27

“The [reverent] fear of the Lord prolongs one’s life, but the years of the wicked will be shortened.”

Commentary: The fear of the Lord, which leads to righteous living, is linked to long life and blessing, while wickedness leads to a shortened, troubled existence. This verse emphasizes the tangible consequences of living in alignment with or in opposition to God’s will.

Jeremiah 17:9

“The heart is deceitful above all things and it is extremely sick; who can understand it fully and know its secret motives?”

Commentary: This passage reveals the natural state of the human heart, tainted by sin and prone to deceit. Without God’s transformative power, the heart is inclined toward evil. It serves as a reminder of the need for constant reliance on God’s wisdom and guidance.

Matthew 12:35

“The good man from his inner good treasure brings out good things; and the evil man from his inner evil treasure brings out evil things.”

Commentary: Jesus teaches that a person’s actions reflect the condition of their heart. A good heart produces good actions, while an evil heart leads to wicked deeds. This underscores the importance of cultivating inner righteousness, as it naturally results in outward expressions of good.

Psalm 37:12-13

“The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him [the wicked one—the one who oppresses the righteous], for He sees that his day [of defeat] is coming.”

Commentary: Though the wicked may plot against the righteous, God is not threatened. He sees the end of the wicked and knows that their time is limited. This verse encourages believers to trust in God’s sovereignty and justice, even when faced with opposition.

Proverbs 21:7

“The violence of the wicked will sweep them away, because they refuse to act with justice.”

Commentary: This verse emphasizes the self-destructive nature of wickedness. Those who engage in violence and refuse to live justly will ultimately be consumed by their own actions. It reinforces the principle that evil leads to destruction, while righteousness leads to life and peace.

Romans 1:29-32

“They were filled with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, and evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of new forms of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; although they know God’s righteous decree and His judgment, that those who do such things deserve death, they not only do them, but even enthusiastically approve and tolerate others who practice them.”

Commentary: This passage provides a comprehensive list of the characteristics of those who live in rebellion against God. These individuals not only engage in sinful behavior but also encourage others to do the same. It is a sobering reminder of the depths of human depravity when separated from God and the dire consequences of such a lifestyle.

Proverbs 11:21

“Assuredly, the evil man will not go unpunished, but the descendants of the righteous will be freed.”

Commentary: This proverb assures believers that evil will not go unpunished. God’s justice is certain, and the wicked will face the consequences of their actions. On the other hand, the righteous will experience freedom, as God’s favor extends to their descendants.

Psalm 1:6

“For the Lord knows and fully approves the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish.”

Commentary: The contrast between the righteous and the wicked is clear in this verse. God’s approval and care are with those who walk in His ways, while the wicked, though they may seem to prosper temporarily, will ultimately perish. This encourages believers to stay committed to God’s path.

Matthew 13:49-50

“So it will be at the end of the age; the angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw the wicked into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].”

Commentary: Jesus teaches about the final judgment where the wicked and the righteous will be separated. The fate of the wicked is eternal punishment, while the righteous will be rewarded. This passage serves as a warning and a call to repentance, urging individuals to turn from evil and follow God’s path before the end comes.

Proverbs 12:21

“No harm befalls the righteous, but the wicked are filled with trouble.”

Commentary: This proverb reassures believers that God protects the righteous from harm, while the wicked, by contrast, are plagued by trouble and misfortune. It emphasizes the protective nature of God’s favor over those who live in alignment with His will.

Psalm 37:28

“For the Lord loves justice and does not abandon His saints (godly ones); they are preserved forever, but the descendants of the wicked will [in time] be cut off.”

Commentary: This verse affirms God’s love for justice and His commitment to the righteous. He will never forsake His people, while the wicked and their descendants will eventually be cut off. The promise of eternal preservation for the saints offers hope and encouragement to live righteously.

Psalm 37:17

“For the arms of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord sustains the righteous.”

Commentary: This verse paints a vivid picture of the eventual defeat of the wicked. Their power, symbolized by their “arms,” will be broken, while the righteous are upheld and sustained by God. It underscores the futility of wickedness and the strength found in trusting God.

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What Does the Bible Say About Evil People

Evil people, now that’s a topic we all like to avoid, right? But, guess what? The Bible doesn’t avoid it! Oh no, it dives right in. It talks about evil people like you’d talk about a bad smell—you notice it, you can’t ignore it, and you sure want to get away from it! Evil people are the ones who make the world a tougher place to live in, always scheming, plotting, and causing trouble wherever they go. They like to deceive others, they enjoy seeing people hurt, and they have a special talent for twisting the truth so that you’re left wondering if you’ve even got a grip on reality anymore.

The Bible makes it clear that these folks are not just misguided or having a bad day. Nope! They’re intentional in what they do, and they often know exactly what they’re up to. They create chaos and confusion, and they just don’t care about the damage they leave behind. Whether they’re lying, cheating, stealing, or just plain being mean, evil people are like walking storms. The Bible warns us not to follow them, not to imitate their ways, and, honestly, to steer clear of them if we can.

Now, here’s the good part! While the Bible tells us all about these troublemakers, it also gives us hope. It says that evil people, no matter how powerful they seem, won’t get the last laugh. They may look like they’re winning for a while, but their time will come, and it’s not going to be pretty. They can’t keep on hurting people forever, and in the end, justice will catch up with them. So, don’t worry about them too much, but be smart! Keep your distance, guard your heart, and trust that in the big picture, the good guys win!

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