32 Bible Verses About Enemies (With Commentary)

Ever had someone who just gets on your nerves? Yep, we all have those pesky enemies. But guess what? The Bible has some pretty cool advice on how to handle them. Instead of plotting revenge or giving them the silent treatment, the good book teaches us to love, forgive, and even pray for those who are mean to us.

Sounds crazy, right? But it’s true! Let’s dive into some awesome Bible verses that show us how to turn enemies into friends with a bit of God’s love and wisdom. Ready? Let’s go!

Bible Verses About Enemies

Matthew 5:44

“But I say to you, love [that is, unselfishly seek the best or higher good for] your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

Commentary: This verse from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount challenges believers to adopt a radically counter-cultural attitude toward their enemies. Rather than harboring hatred or seeking revenge, Christians are called to love and pray for those who oppose them. This command underscores the transformative power of love and prayer, reflecting God’s own love for humanity despite our shortcomings.

Romans 12:20

“But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Commentary: Paul’s exhortation to show kindness to enemies emphasizes the Christian ethic of overcoming evil with good. By providing for an enemy’s needs, believers reflect God’s grace and mercy, potentially leading the adversary to repentance and transformation. The metaphor of “heaping burning coals” suggests that such acts of kindness can provoke a profound sense of guilt and a desire for change in the enemy.

Proverbs 25:21-22

“If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; For in doing so, you will heap coals of fire upon his head, And the Lord will reward you.”

Commentary: These verses echo the teaching found in Romans 12:20, highlighting the principle of responding to enmity with kindness. By caring for an enemy’s basic needs, a believer demonstrates God’s love and may lead the enemy to repentance. Furthermore, the promise of divine reward underscores that God values and blesses acts of compassion and mercy.

Luke 6:27-28

“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”

Commentary: Jesus commands His followers to respond to hostility with proactive love and kindness. This directive calls for a radical departure from natural inclinations toward retaliation, encouraging believers to bless and pray for their adversaries. Such behavior not only reflects the character of Christ but also has the potential to transform relationships and lead others to God.

Exodus 23:4-5

“If you meet your enemy’s ox or his donkey wandering off, you must bring it back to him. If you see the donkey of one who hates you lying helpless under its load, you shall not leave the man to deal with it alone; you must help him with the burden.”

Commentary: This Old Testament law emphasizes the importance of compassion and assistance even towards those who are considered enemies. By instructing the Israelites to help their enemies with their animals, God instills a principle of mercy and kindness that transcends personal grievances. This law reflects the broader biblical ethic of loving one’s neighbor, regardless of enmity.

Proverbs 24:17-18

“Do not rejoice and gloat when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad [in self-righteousness] when he stumbles, Or the Lord will see your gloating and be displeased, And turn His anger away from your enemy [to you].”

Commentary: These proverbs caution against taking pleasure in the misfortunes of one’s enemies. Such gloating is seen as contrary to the character of God, who desires repentance and restoration rather than punishment. By admonishing believers to avoid self-righteous joy over an enemy’s downfall, the passage encourages humility and a compassionate attitude, aligning one’s heart with God’s desire for reconciliation and justice.

1 Samuel 24:17

“He said to David, ‘You are more righteous and upright than I; for you have done good to me, but I have done evil to you.'”

Commentary: In this verse, Saul acknowledges David’s righteousness in sparing his life despite being persecuted by him. David’s restraint and mercy towards Saul, his enemy, highlight the principle of responding to evil with good. This narrative demonstrates the power of integrity and mercy in overcoming enmity, showcasing the potential for reconciliation and the recognition of righteousness even by adversaries.

Micah 7:8

“Do not rejoice over me [amid my tragedies], O my enemy! Though I fall, I will rise; Though I sit in the darkness [of distress], the Lord is a light for me.”

Commentary: This verse expresses a confident hope in God’s deliverance and restoration despite the taunts of enemies. The speaker’s faith in God’s ultimate justice and support serves as a source of strength and resilience. It reminds believers that their trust in God will sustain them through adversities, and that God’s light will prevail over the darkness imposed by their enemies.

Psalm 23:5

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; My cup overflows.”

Commentary: This beloved psalm verse depicts God’s provision and blessing even in the midst of adversarial circumstances. The imagery of a table set before enemies signifies God’s protection and favor, ensuring that His followers experience abundance and honor despite opposition. This verse reassures believers of God’s steadfast care and the triumph of His goodness over any threats from enemies.

Psalm 138:7

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me.”

Commentary: This verse expresses a profound trust in God’s deliverance and protection amidst adversities. The psalmist confidently proclaims that God will not only revive but also actively defend and save him from the wrath of enemies. This assurance of divine intervention encourages believers to rely on God’s strength and faithfulness when facing threats and opposition.

Proverbs 16:7

“When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”

Commentary: This proverb highlights the power of living a righteous life in accordance with God’s will. When a person’s actions are pleasing to God, it can lead to peace even with adversaries. This suggests that a life of integrity and godliness has the potential to transform relationships and diminish hostility, as God works to bring harmony and reconciliation.

Psalm 60:12

“Through God we will have victory, For He will trample down our enemies.”

Commentary: This verse affirms the belief that ultimate victory over enemies comes through God’s power and intervention. The imagery of God trampling down enemies conveys His supreme authority and ability to overcome any opposition. Believers are encouraged to trust in God’s strength and His promise to deliver them from adversaries, ensuring their triumph and security.

Psalm 27:6

“And now my head will be lifted up [above my enemies] around me, In His tent I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.”

Commentary: This verse depicts a confident celebration of God’s deliverance and protection. The psalmist anticipates victory over enemies, leading to joyful worship and praise. The lifting of the head symbolizes honor and vindication, reflecting the assurance that God’s intervention will elevate and secure those who trust in Him, prompting heartfelt thanksgiving and adoration.

Psalm 143:9

“Rescue me, O Lord, from my enemies; I take refuge in You.”

Commentary: In this plea for deliverance, the psalmist expresses a deep reliance on God as a refuge from enemies. The request for rescue highlights the vulnerability and dependence of the believer on God’s protection. This verse encourages Christians to seek God’s shelter and trust in His ability to save them from adversarial forces, reaffirming their faith in His unwavering support.

Psalm 18:3

“I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; And I am saved from my enemies.”

Commentary: This verse underscores the efficacy of calling upon God in times of trouble. The psalmist’s declaration of God’s worthiness to be praised is coupled with the assurance of salvation from enemies. It highlights the power of prayer and praise in invoking God’s intervention and deliverance, encouraging believers to seek God’s help with confidence and trust.

Psalm 31:15

“My times are in Your hands; Rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from those who pursue and persecute me.”

Commentary: The psalmist acknowledges God’s sovereignty over his life and seeks deliverance from enemies and persecutors. This verse reflects a profound trust in God’s control and timing, coupled with a plea for protection. It encourages believers to surrender their circumstances to God, trusting in His perfect plan and His power to rescue them from adversaries.

Psalm 3:7

“Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheek; You have shattered the teeth of the wicked.”

Commentary: This verse is a bold cry for God’s intervention and deliverance from enemies. The imagery of striking enemies and shattering their teeth conveys God’s decisive and powerful action against the wicked. It reassures believers of God’s ability to confront and defeat those who oppose them, instilling confidence in His protection and justice.

Psalm 27:2

“When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.”

Commentary: This verse reflects the psalmist’s experience of God’s protection against hostile forces. The imagery of enemies stumbling and falling illustrates their defeat and inability to harm the believer. It emphasizes God’s power to thwart the plans of the wicked, providing reassurance that those who trust in Him will be safeguarded from their adversaries.

Psalm 44:5

“Through You we will crush our enemies; Through Your name we will tread down those who rise up against us.”

Commentary: This verse expresses confidence in God’s power to grant victory over enemies. The psalmist attributes success in battle to God’s intervention and the power of His name. It highlights the believer’s dependence on God for overcoming adversaries, affirming that true strength and triumph come from Him alone.

Psalm 56:9

“Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; This I know, that God is for me.”

Commentary: The psalmist’s assurance that enemies will retreat when he calls on God reflects a deep trust in divine support. This verse highlights the certainty of God’s presence and favor, instilling confidence that His intervention will cause adversaries to withdraw. It reassures believers of God’s unwavering commitment to their protection and deliverance.

Psalm 59:1

“Rescue me from my enemies, O my God; Set me securely on high away from those who rise up against me.”

Commentary: This plea for rescue emphasizes the psalmist’s reliance on God for safety and protection. The request to be set securely on high conveys a desire for a place of refuge and security away from enemies. It encourages believers to seek God’s protection and trust in His ability to safeguard them from those who oppose and threaten them.

Psalm 61:3

“For You have been a shelter and a refuge for me, A strong tower against the enemy.”

Commentary: The psalmist acknowledges God as a reliable shelter and refuge, likening Him to a strong tower that provides protection against enemies. This imagery conveys a sense of security and safety in God’s presence. It reassures believers of God’s steadfast protection, encouraging them to seek refuge in Him amidst adversities and threats.

Psalm 112:8

“His heart is upheld, he will not fear While he looks [with satisfaction] on his adversaries.”

Commentary: This verse describes the confidence and fearlessness of the righteous person, sustained by faith in God. The ability to look on adversaries with satisfaction implies a sense of security and assurance of victory. It encourages believers to maintain their trust in God, knowing that He will uphold them and grant them peace in the face of opposition.

Psalm 118:7

“The Lord is on my side; He is among those who help me; Therefore I will look [in triumph] on those who hate me.”

Commentary: The psalmist’s declaration of God’s support and presence among his helpers underscores the assurance of divine aid. The confidence to look in triumph on enemies reflects a trust in God’s deliverance and victory. It reassures believers of God’s unwavering support and encourages them to face adversaries with confidence in His power to overcome.

Psalm 140:1

“Rescue me, O Lord, from evil men; Protect me from violent men.”

Commentary: This verse is a cry for deliverance from those who perpetrate evil and violence. The psalmist’s plea for protection emphasizes the need for God’s intervention against harmful adversaries. It encourages believers to seek God’s safeguarding presence in times of danger and to trust in His power to shield them from malevolent forces.

Psalm 18:48

“He rescues me from my enemies; Yes, You lift me up above those who rise up against me; You deliver me from the violent man.”

Commentary: This verse celebrates God’s deliverance from enemies and violent oppressors. The imagery of being lifted up above adversaries signifies divine exaltation and protection. It reassures believers of God’s active intervention and His ability to elevate them above their threats, providing a sense of security and vindication.

Psalm 27:12

“Do not give me up to the will of my adversaries, For false witnesses have come against me; They breathe out violence.”

Commentary: The psalmist’s plea for protection from adversaries and false witnesses highlights the reality of malicious opposition. This verse underscores the need for God’s safeguarding presence against deceitful and violent threats. It encourages believers to seek God’s protection and justice in the face of false accusations and hostility.

Psalm 143:12

“And in Your lovingkindness, cut off my enemies And destroy all those who afflict my life, For I am Your servant.”

Commentary: This verse is a plea for God’s intervention to eliminate adversaries who threaten the psalmist’s life. The request for God’s lovingkindness to cut off enemies reflects a trust in His justice and protection. It reassures believers of God’s commitment to safeguard His servants and encourages them to seek His deliverance from those who afflict them.

Proverbs 20:22

“Do not say, ‘I will repay evil’; Wait [expectantly] for the Lord, and He will rescue and save you.”

Commentary: This proverb advises against seeking personal revenge, instead encouraging believers to wait for God’s deliverance and justice. The assurance that God will rescue and save underscores His role as the ultimate arbiter of justice. It encourages believers to trust in God’s timing and His ability to right wrongs, rather than taking matters into their own hands.

Proverbs 24:17

“Do not rejoice and gloat when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad [in self-righteousness] when he stumbles.”

Commentary: This verse cautions against taking pleasure in the downfall of an enemy. Gloating over an adversary’s misfortune is seen as contrary to the principles of compassion and humility. It encourages believers to maintain a righteous attitude, avoiding self-righteousness and instead fostering a spirit of empathy and grace.

Isaiah 41:11

“Indeed, all those who are angry with you will be put to shame and humiliated; Those who strive against you will be as nothing and will perish.”

Commentary: This verse reassures believers that those who oppose and strive against them will ultimately be brought to shame and perish. It reflects God’s promise of vindication and justice for His people. Believers are encouraged to trust in God’s sovereignty and His ability to deal with their adversaries, ensuring their ultimate triumph and security.

Isaiah 54:17

“No weapon that is formed against you will succeed; And every tongue that rises against you in judgment you will condemn. This [peace, righteousness, security, and triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And this is their vindication from Me,” says the Lord.”

Commentary: This powerful promise assures believers that no weapon or accusation against them will prevail. The verse highlights God’s protection and vindication of His servants, ensuring their peace and triumph over opposition. It reassures believers of their secure heritage in God and His commitment to defend and uphold them against all forms of adversity.

Romans 8:31

“What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?”

Commentary: This verse from Paul’s letter to the Romans emphasizes the assurance of God’s support for believers. The rhetorical question highlights the futility of opposition when God is on one’s side. It encourages believers to trust in God’s unwavering support and to live confidently, knowing that no adversary can ultimately prevail against them with God’s backing.

What Does the Bible Say About Enemies

The Bible teaches us that dealing with enemies is a part of life, and it guides us on how to handle them with wisdom and love. One of the main teachings of the Bible is that we should love our enemies. This means showing kindness to those who may not treat us well, and responding to their actions with patience and forgiveness. The Bible encourages us to avoid seeking revenge and instead, leave justice in God’s hands. When we face conflict, the Bible advises us to seek peace and reconciliation, rather than harboring anger or bitterness.

Another important lesson from the Bible is the power of forgiveness. We are called to forgive those who wrong us, not just for their sake, but for our own well-being and peace of mind. Forgiveness helps us to let go of hurt and resentment, allowing us to live more freely and joyfully. By forgiving our enemies, we reflect God’s love and grace in our lives, setting a positive example for others to follow.

The Bible also tells us to pray for our enemies. This can be challenging, but it helps to soften our hearts and see them as fellow human beings who, like us, need God’s love and guidance. Praying for our enemies can bring about a change in our own attitudes, leading to greater compassion and understanding.

Additionally, the Bible teaches us to trust in God’s protection and justice. When we face threats or harm from our enemies, we can find comfort in knowing that God is our protector and defender. He sees everything and will ultimately bring justice in His perfect timing.

In summary, the Bible’s message about enemies is one of love, forgiveness, and trust in God. It calls us to rise above hatred and anger, to seek peace, and to show kindness even to those who oppose us. By following these teachings, we can live more fulfilling and harmonious lives, reflecting God’s love in all our interactions.

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